Bitsmi Blog
1.- Código Limpio
09-02-2025 - Xavier Salvador
Codígo limpio
0.- Introduction
08-02-2025 - Antonio Archilla
Introduction to clean code bla bla bla
Tabla de Códigos ASCII – American Standard Code for Information Interchange
08-12-2024 - Xavier Salvador
Estándar Americano de Codificación para el Intercambio de Información
Pronunciación: as-ki
ASCII es un estándar de representar caracteres y símbolos en forma electrónica. Emplea estándares incrementando la eficiencia y elimina errores. Utilizar estándares requiere disciplina y a veces restringe la creatividad.
Sin embargo, es muy útil para la comunicación entre usuarios. Internet requiere aún más enfoque en estándares porque en muchos casos, se trata de usuarios de idiomas diferentes.
Las personas que tuvieron la visión de Internet, establecieron una plataforma de comunicación global. El uso de los estándares es una manera de cumplir con este objetivo.
IntelliJ Hotkeys Cheatsheet
27-10-2024 - Xavier Salvador
Tabla de códigos HTML
27-10-2024 - Xavier Salvador
Tabla de ASCII estándar, nombres de entidades HTML, ISO 10646
, ISO 8879
, ISO 8859-1 romano 1
con soporte para todos los navegadores.
Ubuntu - Referencia de comandos útiles
20-10-2024 - Antonio Archilla
Docker - Referencia de comandos
20-10-2024 - Antonio Archilla
Validation groups
29-09-2024 - Antonio Archilla
allow us to configure the constraints to be validated depending on the context.
For example, in some situations may have sense only to validate certain constraints when a domain entity is being created (not managed)
and not when is updated (managed), the ID and creation / update timestamps for example.
In that case we can define the constraints that will be executed in each case using different groups
Mocking external services with Wiremock
25-08-2024 - Antonio Archilla
If we need to mock an external service during application development, we can configure a Wiremock container
as part of the docker-compose-DEV.yaml
service stack:
Introduction to dependency injection
29-06-2024 - Antonio Archilla
Spring Dependency Injection capabilities allow us to manage bean bindings in different ways. Here is a basic guide on how to:
Having a single bean candidate and a single injection point, that is the base case when we define a bean and use
annotation to inject it -
Having multiple bean candidates of the same type and a single injection point. Here we can define a default bean or use identifiers to select which one will be injected
Having zero bean candidates for a type and a single injection point, which means that we can have optional beans
Having multiple bean candidates of the same type and a multiple injection point, allowing accessing all beans for the specified type in the same injection point
Having conditional bean candidates that are only available when a condition is met
Create and inject prototype scoped beans