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OCP11 - Services in a Modular Application

28-08-2021 - Antonio Archilla

Since Java 6 the Java platform provides a mechanism to implement dynamic service loading. Starting from Java 9, it is possible to implement this mechanism together with JPMS.

In this post we will expose the way to implement a modular service.


OCP11 - Migration to a Modular Application

26-08-2021 - Antonio Archilla

Following the introductory post of Java Platform Module System , also known as JPMS, this post exposes different strategies to migrate applications developed in Java as they can make use of it. This covers the cases where original application is based on a non compatible Java version (< Java 9) or it is compatible (>=Java9) but it was not originally implemented, since the use of this mechanism is fully optional.

Migration strategies

The first step to perform in the migration of an application to the module system is to determine which modules / JAR files are present in an application and what dependencies exists between them. A very useful way to do so is through a hierarchical diagram where these dependencies are represented in a layered way.

This will help giving an overview of the application’s components and which one of them and in which order they can be migrated, identifying those which won’t be able to adapt temporarily or definitively.

The latter case can be given for example in third parties libraries that have stopped offering support and that will hardly become modules. This overview will help determine the migration strategy that will be carried out.

Next, 2 migration mechanisms are exposed that respond to different initial situations.


Usando Let's Encrypt y Certbot para generar certificados TLS para nginx

15-06-2021 - Antonio Archilla

Let’s Encrypt es una autoridad de certificación que proporciona certificados TLS de forma gratuita a todo host que lo necesite para securizar las comunicaciones con éste. Si además se utiliza un sistema NOIP como DuckDNS como servidor DNS, se consigue sin costes adicionales tener un servidor publicado en la red aunque no se disponga de IP fija.

Las únicas contrapartidas que tiene son que el host ha de ser accesible desde internet, lo que deja fuera a hosts dentro de intranets, y que la duración del certificado generado es de 3 meses, lo que implica una renovación constante.

Afortunadamente, el proceso de generación y renovación de los certificados se puede automatizar completamente mediante la herramienta Certbot que tiene soporte para multitud de sistemas operativos y plataformas cloud.

En este post se describe el proceso de generación de certificados para un servidor HTTP nginx ubicado en un sistema Ubuntu 20.04 con IP dinámica gestionada por el servicio DuckDNS.


OCP 11 - Language Enhancements (Java Fundamentals - Final modifier)

02-06-2021 - Xavier Salvador


Final modifier can be applied to variables, methods and classes. Marking a:

  1. Variable final means the value cannot be changed after it is assigned.
  2. Method or a class means it cannot be overridden (for methods) or extended (for classes).

Declaring final local variables

For final variables there are several aspects to consider.

We do not need to assign a value to the final variable when we declare it. What we have to assure is the a value has been assigned to it before this final variable is used. We will get a compilation error in case we don’t follow this rule. Example which illustrates this:

private void printZooInfo(boolean isWeekend) {
    final int giraffe = 5;
    final long lemur;
    if (isWeekend) lemur = 5;
    giraffe = 3; // DOES NOT COMPILE   
    System.out.println(giraffe+" "+lemur); // DOES NOT COMPILE

Here we have two compilation errors:

  1. The giraffe variable has an assigned value so we can’t assign a new value because it has been declared as final. We will get a compilation error.
  2. When attempting to use lemur variable we will get a compilation error. If condition isWeekend is false we can’t assign the value to lemur so we will the error the error compilation because a local variable to has to be declared and assigned before using it (despite the fact of being declared as final or not).

When we mark a variable as final it does not mean that the object associated with it cannot be modified. Example to illustrate this:

final StringBuilder cobra = new StringBuilder();

We have declared the variable as constant but the content of the class can be modified.

Adding final to Instance and static variables

Instance and static class variables can be marked as final too.

When we mark as final a:

  1. Instance variable which it means that it must be assigned a value when it is declared or when the object is instantiated (Remember: We can only assign once, like Local Variables). Example to illustrate this:
    public class PolarBear {
    final int age = 10;
    final int fishEaten;
    final String name;
    { fishEaten = 10; }
    public PolarBear() {
       name = "Robert";
    public PolarBear(int height) {

    Does this code compile? Yes. Everything. Exercise: Explain why.

  2. Static variable which it means they have to use static initializers instead of instance initializers. Example to illustrate this:
    public class Panda {
      // We assign a value when we declare the final variable
      final static String name = "Ronda";
      static final int bamboo;
      static final double height; // DOES NOT COMPILE - Why? Because we do not have assign any value to height variable  
      // It will work because we are initializing a final static variable through an static initializer
      static { bamboo = 5;}}

Writing final methods

Methods marked as final cannot be overriden by a subclass. This avoids polymorphic behavior and always ensures that it is always called the same version method. Be aware because a method can have abstract or final modifier but not both at the same time.

When we combine inheritance with final methods we always get an error compilation.

We cannot declare a method final and abstract at the same time. It is not allowed by the compiler and of course we will get a compilation error. Example to illustrate this:

abstract class ZooKeeper {   
	public abstract final void openZoo(); // DOES NOT COMPILE

Marking Classes final

A final class is one class that cannot be extended. In fact we will get a compilation error if we tried. Example to illustrate this:

public final class Reptile {}
public class Snake extends Reptile {} // DOES NOT COMPILE

We cannot use abstract and final modifiers at the same time.

public abstract final class Eagle {} // DOES NOT COMPILE

It also happens the same for interfaces.

public final interface Hawk {} // DOES NOT COMPILE

We will get a compilation error in both cases.


Construcción de imágenes de Docker multiplataforma con Buildx

09-05-2021 - Antonio Archilla

Docker proporciona soporte para crear y ejecutar contenedores en una multitud de arquitecturas diferentes, incluyendo x86, ARM, PPC o Mips entre otras. Dado que no siempre es posible crear las imágenes correspondientes de arquitectura equivalente por cuestiones de disponibilidad, comodidad o rendimiento, la alternativa de poder crearlas desde un mismo entorno crea interesantes escenarios, como la posibilidad de tener un servicio de integración continua encargado de la creación de todas las variaciones para las diferentes arquitecturas cubiertas por una aplicación.

En este artículo se expone la configuración de la herramienta buildx de Docker para la creación imágenes de múltiples arquitecturas en un mismo entorno. En el ejemplo incluido se crearán 2 imágenes para las arquitecturas AMD64 y ARM64 en un entorno basado en Ubuntu Linux AMD64.


Restaurar pendrive bootable

11-04-2021 - Antonio Archilla

Habitualmente se utilizan pendrives como soporte para la instalación de sistemas operativos mediante la creación de un pendrive bootable. El problema es que después de hacer esto este queda en un estado que no permite su uso para el almacenamiento de datos porque el proceso de conversión a bootable ha creado múltiples particiones y sistemas como Windows no son capaces de reconocerlo correctamente.

En este post se describe el proceso de restauración de un pendrive bootable a su estado original en Windows.


OCP11 - Understanding Modules

04-04-2021 - Antonio Archilla

Java Platform Module System or JPMS was introduced in Java 9 as a form of encapsulation package.

A module is a group of one or more packages and a file that contain its metadata.

In other words it consists in a ‘package of packages’.

Benefits of using modules:

While using modules in a Java 9+ application is optional, there are a series of benefits from using them:

  • Better access control: Creates a fifth level of class access control that restricts packages to be available to outer code. Packages that are not explicitly exposed through module-info will be not available on modules external code. This is useful for encapsulation that allows to have truly internal packages.

  • Clear dependency management: Application’s dependencies will be specified in file. This allows us to clearly identify which are the required modules/libraries.

  • Custom java builds: JPMS allow developers to specify what modules are needed. This makes it possible to create smaller runtime images discarding JRE modules that the application doesn’t need (AWT, JNI, ImageIO…).

  • Performances improvements: Having an static list of required modules and dependencies at start-up allows JVM to reduce load time and memory footprint because it allows the JVM which classes must be loaded from the beginning.

  • Unique package enforcement: A package is allowed to be supplied by only one module. JPMS prevents JAR hell scenarios such as having multiple library versions in the classpath.

The main counterpart is not all libraries have module support and, while it is possible it also makes more difficult to switch to a modular code that depends on this kind of libraries. For example, libraries that make an extensive use of reflection will need an extra configuration step because JPMS cannot identify and load classes at runtime.


OCP11 - Local Variable Type Inference

21-03-2021 - Xavier Salvador

Working with Local Variable Type Inference

After Java 10 we can use the keyword var instead of the type for local variables (like the primitive or the reference type) under certain conditions within a code block.

public void whatTypeAmI {
    var name = "Hello";
    var size = 7;

The formal name of this feature is local variable type inference but we have to consider two main parts for this feature.


OCP11 - Assertions

13-03-2021 - Antonio Archilla

Assertion is a mechanism that allows you to check assumptions in the code that help you to confirm the proper functioning of the code and that it is free of errors. The following post shows its basic operations and the situations in which its use is appropriate and in which it is not.

An assertion expression is identified by the assert keyword. Its syntax is as follows:

assert <expression> [: <message>]


  • expression: Boolean expression that indicates whether the assumption is satisfied or not. In case it is not fulfilled, an AssertionError type error will be thrown.
  • message: Optional. If a message is specified in the expression, it will be attached to the produced AssertionError.


Error al sincronizar repositorio Git con certificado SSL auto-firmado

26-12-2020 - Antonio Archilla

Descripción del error

El cliente local de Git produce un error de comunicación con el servidor remoto cuando este último tiene un certificado SSL auto-firmado, avisando que la comunicación no es segura.

Error de sincronización en TortoiseGit


Es posible indicar a Git que confíe en origen remoto y permita trabajar con el repositorio. Esto se debe hacer sólo si se conoce el repositorio remoto y se confía en él.


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